Friday, October 21, 2011

Damisa Moyo

October 20, 2011
The name of Dr Dambisa Moyo goes down in record among many other female world economists who have proved extra efforts to help the world find solution(s) to economic challenges equally facing rich and poor nations.
Born in Zambia in 1969 and raised in Lusaka, Zambia. Dambisa holds a Doctorate (DPhil) that promoted her to the title of an international economist and New York Times best-selling author.
Educated at the prestigious American Harvard University, she served in her career at as consultant for the World Bank among other duties. Two major publications that drew the attention of thousands of readers were entitled; “Dead Aid” explaining why Aid is not working and proposed a better way for Africa published in 2009. Another best seller was entitled “How the West Was Lost” explaining about fifty Years of Economic Madness.
For example in the publication “Dead Aid” versions available in Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese and Dutch, the author argues that foreign aid has harmed Africa and that it should be phased out because there was another way of supporting developing nations. It became a New York Times bestseller.
The book offers proposals for developing countries to finance development, instead of relying on foreign aid. Moyo. The Financial Times summarized the book's argument: "Limitless development assistance to African governments, she argues, has fostered dependency, encouraged corruption and ultimately perpetuated poor governance and poverty. She argues that foreign aid helps perpetuate the cycle of poverty and hinders economic growth in Africa.
 Moyo's ideas are similar to those held by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda who says "Dead Aid had cultivated the aid culture in Africa. Kagame also invited Moyo to Rwanda to discuss her thesis and bought copies of the book for his entire cabinet.
During recent China-Africa Cooperation summit in Egypt, he said Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao confessed to have read a book titled Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo and was pleased as the author talks about her personal experiences and draws the conclusion that China's assistance to Africa was sincere, credible, practical and efficient and is welcomed by the African people.
On Commonwealth day in March, 2011 Moyo spoke about "Women as Agents of Change" in the presence of the Queen Elizabeth II, British Prime Minister David Cameron and 2000 guests. In the same month The Daily Beast selected her as one of "150 Extraordinary Women Who Shake the World" along with Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright and others.

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